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What are Bibgroups?

Bibgroups are libraries that are curated by librarians, archivists and scientists who are not ADS/SciX employees. Descriptions of each bibgroup include information that details the coverage in the collection and frequency of updates. Many of the bibgroups include contact information for the maintainer. We maintain links to ADS legacy bibgroups that are no longer updated but contain useful information.


This bibliographic group includes peer reviewed papers by researchers worldwide using data from the Canada-France-Hawaiʻi Telescope CFHT. CFHT is located on Maunakea, land of the Kānaka Maoli people, and a mountain of considerable cultural, natural and ecological significance to the Indigenous Hawaiian people. It comprises all papers utilizing every instrument ever used at CFHT, dating back to 1979 when the first CFHT paper was published. The CFHT community consists primarily of scientists from Canada, France and the University of Hawaiʻi, and from institutions in Taiwan, China, Brazil and Korea, though research teams often include members outside this community. The list also features papers using archival data since 2013 and data from catalogs built with CFHT data since 2015. The contributions from the CFHT Legacy Survey to archival and catalog research are significant. Covering a wide array of topics, CFHT’s contributions span from the discovery of Gravitational Arcs and the characterization of Dark Energy to studies of the light curve of `Oumuamua and the discovery and follow-up of Near-Earth Objects and Potential Hazardous Asteroids, highlighting its significant impact on numerous scientific fields.


This group contains refereed articles using data from ESO (European Southern Observatory) telescopes. Papers since publication year 1996 using data from Paranal (VLT, VLTI, VISTA, VST) or Chajnantor facilities (ESO observing time of APEX or ALMA) as well as La Silla papers since publication year 2000 reference the program IDs from which the data originated. They are linked to the corresponding raw data or data products located in the ESO Science Archive. The database is maintained by the ESO Library and can be queried in more detail at It is updated daily. For further questions, please contact the ESO librarians at


This group contains refereed articles using Hubble Space Telescope data, which can be obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The bibgroup also contains engineering and instrumentation-related papers found in the literature. Note that matching HST proposal IDs to published papers is an on-going project and never completely up to date. Articles are linked to the program IDs and observational data on which they are based whenever feasible. For further information, please contact


This group contains refereed articles based on observations (including observatory archive) made at the International Gemini Observatory, NSF NOIRLab. The coverage is from 2000 to present and the group is updated monthly. The Gemini Publications by Users webpage contains more information such as instruments and observation program IDs used for the publication.


This group contains refereed articles using James Webb Space Telescope data, which can be obtained from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) at Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). The bibgroup also contains engineering and instrumentation-related papers found in the literature. Note that matching JWST proposal IDs to published papers is an ongoing project and never completely up to date. Articles are linked to the program IDs and observational data on which they are based whenever feasible. For further information, please contact


This group contains articles where Chandra data contributes significantly to the science in the article, also known as Chandra Science Papers. Those articles that present specific Chandra observations are linked to the data in the Chandra Data Archive on which they are based. The database is maintained by the Chandra Data Archive and can be queried in more detail with our search tool. For publication statistics, please visit the Chandra Bibliography Statistics page.


Chandra/Technical - This group contains articles pertaining to the Chandra mission and includes articles about Chandra instruments, software, and operations. The Chandra Data Archive maintains a repository of these papers grouped by individual instrument, operations, and software.


This group contains refereed science articles that have analyzed data from NASA’s International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE), which was active from 1978 Jan. through 1996 Sept. Data products from IUE are hosted at the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). The papers include results from the earliest days of the mission to the present day, with topics that span a wide range of research areas. This collection is updated approximately annually.


The NOIRLab bibgroup is a curated list of the U.S. National Science Foundation National Optical-Infrared Astronomy Research Laboratory (NSF NOIRLab / NOIRLab). The bibgroup comprises refereed science data publications in a core set of journals that use NOIRLab telescope data and/or NOIRLab data products & services. The bibgroup includes publications relating to the International Gemini Observatory from 2000 to present and publications relating to NOIRLab data products & services and the other NOIRLab telescopes from 1990 to present. Telescopes included are the NOIRLab Mid-Scale Observatories (MSO) telescopes: Nicholas U. Mayall 4-meter Telescope; WIYN 3.5-meter Telescope; and WIYN 0.9-meter Telescope, located at Kitt Peak National Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA; the Víctor M. Blanco 4-meter Telescope and SMARTS Consortium telescopes, located at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, La Serena, Chile; and the SOAR telescope, located at Cerro Pachón, Chile; and the International Gemini Observatory Gemini North and Gemini South telescopes. The bibgroup also includes publications that make use of NOIRLab-granted community-access time on non-NOIRLab telescopes. NOIRLab data products and provided by the NOIRLab Community Science and Data Center include the Astro Data Archive, Astro Data Lab, NOIRLab Source Catalog, ANTARES, and NOIRLab IRAF. The bibgroup is updated weekly.


The SETI bibgroup is a topical bibliographic group, part of a project at the Penn State Extraterrestrial Intelligence Center to find and track the SETI literature. This includes all kinds of technosignature search, theoretical explorations of the nature of technological alien life, and social aspects of SETI such as METI and post-detection protocols. The bibgroup is continuously maintained, and one can subscribe to receive a selection of monthly updates to it as new papers are published at The methodology is described in Reyes & Wright (2019) and LaFond et al. (2021). The intention is that the bibgroup be comprehensive including every ADS/SciX entry relevant to SETI. Questions, comments, or notices of omissions can be directed to


ADS Library of refereed publications for the ESA/NASA SOHO mission, starting in 1995. This library is maintained by acting ESA SOHO Project Scientist, Daniel Mueller ( and updated every two months. SOHO data is publicly available from the ESA SOHO Science Archive, SunPy, and the Virtual Solar Observatory.

Solar Orbiter

ADS Library of refereed publications for the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter mission, starting in 2020. This library is maintained by ESA Deputy Solar Orbiter Project Scientist Yannis Zouganelis ( and updated every two months. Solar Orbiter data is publicly available from the ESA Solar Orbiter Archive, SunPy, and the Virtual Solar Observatory.
